Principal Investigator
Principal Investigator
Christopher J. Clark, PhD
Christopher J. Clark, PhD
Associate Professor of EEOB
I mostly study hummingbirds, but this photo is from field work on Great Gray owl in Manitoba in February. -30 degree weather makes for great Beardsicles. We were studying how Great Gray owl hunts through snow.Post-doc
Nadje Najar, PhD
Nadje Najar, PhD
Chancellor's Postdoctoral Fellow
Nadje studies hummingbird genomics, flight, and migration. She got her Ph.D. at the University of North Colorado under Dr. Lauryn Benedict, studying rock wren song and migration. Now she's helping us with the genomics of Allen's & Rufous Hummingbird courtship displays, and she's hoping to find the genes for migration in Allen's Hummingbirds.Graduate Students
Graduate Students
Soumyadeep Chatterjee
Soumyadeep Chatterjee Soumyadeep is studying evolution and behavior in bee hummingbirds - how vision tracks color through sexual and/or natural selection, looking particularly at opsin genes. All hummingbird photos used in this website are taken by Soumyadeep. You can find his bird photos at @avesmania_bird_shots on Instagram.
Jenny Wong
Jenny Wong Jenny is interested in phylogenetics, mate choice, sexual selection in bee hummingbirds.Personal Website: